Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day

To all of you, I wish you peace this coming Mother's Day.

I miss being more active in the babyloss community, I hate that my browser doesn't support my commenting on more blogs. I've figured out that I can only comment when the comments are in a new window. If it's the same window as the blog post, it won't let me comment.  I don't know why. I don't even know if any of you still read along here (save for those of you who comment) but I think of you all regularly.  Lots of babies being born right now, more coming are all in my thoughts so often.  Whether you realize it or not, you are still such a lifeline - keeping me sane as I navigate the confusing world of parenting two babies but only watching one grow.


æ said...

you have such beautiful boys, dear mama.

Renel said...

Ahh mothers day. Once a wonderful day. I was pregnant last mothers day, I am pregnant this mothers day. Mother's day is difficult when your baby has died... whether you have living children, no living children or are pregnant... there will always be one missing. Sending you a giant hug.

SG said...

I'm still reading - wishing you a peaceful Mothers Day as well.

Angela said...

Still here, wishing you a peaceful weekend.

Hope's Mama said...

Still here, still missing Otis.

Merry said...

Me too. Apple v google and captcha. But still here and thinking of you often.

Sometime I think an alumni board would help

Jenn said...

Still here, mama. xx